"> Curriculum – Code Immersives



Fullstack Javascript Web Development Track

Term 1 – The Starter Phase ( 3 months – 300 hours)

HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, Git, Terminal, VS Studio Code foundation, Logical Thinking, Javascript, Dom Manipulation, ES6 & Ajax Calls

In term 1, we will start with the core concept of computer programming, and students will get a first look in what does it mean to ‘think like a programmer’. students will learn the best practices for Git, Terminal, HTML 5, CSS 3, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Javascript, and ES6.
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Term 2 – The Junior Phase ( 3 months – 300 hours )

Advanced ES 6, Git and Terminal. Jira (project management tool). Pair programming. Backend development using Node.js – Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Frontend development using React

In term 2, we will take a deep dive in full-stack web development. The junior phase starts out with backend development using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Students will learn the basic and advanced concepts of model, view, controller, and API development. In the middle of the term, students will learn the foundation of frontend development using React.

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Term 3 – The Senior Phase ( 3 months – 300 hours )

Advanced React and Redux. Algorithm and Data-Structure (Big-O). Interview preparation. Amazon Web Service (AWS)

In Term 3, students will have learned how to build and deploy a fullstack web application. In this term, we will focus on Amazon Web Service, algorithm, data-structure, and interview questions.
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Python Development and Data-Science Track

Term 1 – 15 weeks (300 hours) – Introduction Python Development: The Starter Phase

In term one, new students will learn the foundations of Python development, algorithmic thinking, and computer programming. This term is designed to prepare the student to become a junior Python developer. Upon completion of the first term, the student will have completed three full projects using Python as well as core libraries like Django, and visualization modules like Matplotlib.

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Term 2 – 15 weeks (300 hours) – Deep Dive Advanced Python Development: The Junior Phase

In term two, the students are introduced to web frameworks and backend development with Python. Students will explore machine learning techniques, data analysis/manipulation, and visualization while pushing themselves toward becoming mid-level developers.

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Term 3 – 15 weeks (300 hours) – Presentation, Interview Preparation and Amazon Web Service (AWS): The Senior Phase

In term three, students will dive even deeper into more advanced topics as listed below. Our focus then further expands into cloud computing and fully authorized AWS training in preparation for an Amazons high demand level one certification exam. Students will build and present an industry level capstone projects designed to incorporate a wide range of technologies with real-world applications. Regular career preparedness through interview preparation, one on one study and prep sessions, and unparalleled student to teacher interaction will give your training with us a strong finish

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